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Restoration and Enhancement of

Wetlands on Working Landscapes

Past Project

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The 'Restoration and Enhancement of Wetlands in Working Landscapes' project helped to restore and enhance the ecological health of wetland habitats found on agricultural landscapes in and around the Annapolis River watershed.Agriculture is the predominant land use in the watershed, and has resulted in significant loss of wetland habitats in and adjacent to pasturelands, forage and crop fields. 

This project built on the strong partnerships developed through CARP's Agri-Stewardship project to implement actions that enhance/restore wetland habitats on working landscapes where they have been in-filled, cleared,drained, or otherwise lost and/or degraded. This project is now wrapping up, but CARP hopes to continue with similar work in the future. If you know of a site with outstanding potential for wetland restoration or enhancement, send us an e-mail at

Granville Beach Wetland Restoration:


This site includes 0.25 hectares of wetland that is in the process of being restored. Initial excavation took place in June 2018. Initial riparian zone planting was conducted through October 2018 and will continue in future years. 

“What an honour to be part of this remarkable project. Wetlands, in all their wonderful diversity, productivity, and beauty, are highly efficient and valuable machines. They provide so many services that benefit humans such as protecting water quality and flood protection. Almost immediately after the wetland project was completed we saw up-close the recharging of a dynamic ecosystem in action. For the first time in this area, we’ve observed numerous wildlife sightings, including mammals, birds and invertebrates. Expanding this compromised ecosystem has brought it back to life and eventual good health.  Many thanks to CARP for the hard work and stewardship in making this project a reality. We look forward to working with Aaron and his term to integrate native plants into the landscape that will help re-establish vital ecological functions and conserve biodiversity for many, many years to come.”


June 2018 - wetland restoration site, pre-excavation


June 2018 - wetland restoration site, post-excavation


October 2018 - 4 months post excavation

Whipple Tree Farm and Forest, Round Hill

Whippletree Farm & Forest is an ecological market garden and FSC-certified forest. The work at this site included native  shrub planting (serviceberry, bayberry, elderberry, chokeberry, and snowberry) at a shallow pond site to increase habitat diversity and improve carbon storage potential.


Longley Pasture, Bridgetown

The Longley site includes about 100 acres of cattle pasture located adjacent to the Annapolis River. The pasture area includes a small wetland, which in the past cattle had free access to. 


Installation of livestock exclusion fencing around the wetland area was completed to reduce soil compaction, sedimentation and other issues caused by livestock accessing the site. Native tree planting with the support of students from Bridgetown Regional Community School and Lawrencetown Education Center. 

Additional work was completed at this site with funding from the Recreational Fisheries Partnership Program. Livestock fencing was erected along the Annapolis River (2.38 km) in order to establish a 10 meter buffer zone and to prevent  livestock from watering directly in the river. As an alternative, 2 nose pumps were installed as a watering source. Native tree planting and willow staking was also conducted in this newly created buffer zone. 


Brown Farm, Wilmot

The Brown farm site includes cattle pasture adjacent to the Annapolis River. Installation of livestock fencing to exclude cattle from the pond area was conducted to prevent grazing on wetland vegetation, inhibit soil compaction by trampling, and reduce nutrient and sediment inputs to water. It is anticipated that this will increase habitat diversity, improve water quality, and preserve the wetland as a retainer of carbon and nutrients.

Newington Farm, Mount Hannley

The Newington Farm site includes an area used for sheep pasture where in the past sheep had access to a marsh and forested swale.  Fencing was installed to exclude sheep from these wetland habitats in order to inhibit soil compaction by trampling, prevent grazing of wetland vegetation and reduce nutrient and sediment inputs to water. It is anticipated that this will increase habitat diversity, improve water quality, and preserve the wetland as a retainer of carbon and nutrients.


Strattons Farm, Upper Granville

Strattons Farm is an organic certified market garden operation. In summer of 2018 a new irrigation pond was dug on the property. Native trees, shrubs and willow stakes were planted at the site to advance regeneration and to enhance plant species diversity at the site. Additional work, including the creation of a 100 meter shelter belt/wildlife corridor was conducted at Strattons Farm thanks to funding from the Nova Scotia Habitat Conservation Fund. 

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Clean Annapolis River Project 
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314 St George St

Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia




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