To register your team, complete the form on this page.
Team payment:
The total team fee is $1200.
Registration is not considered complete until your team's $400 deposit has been received.
Deposits are due June 1
Final installments are due July 1
To pay:
send an e-transfer to
call to pay by credit card, 902-532-7533
Mail a cheque to PO Box 395, 314 St. George St., Annapolis Royal, NS, B0S1A0
Pay by cash or cheque in person at 314 St. George St., Annapolis Royal
Colour options
Preferred colours will be assigned on a first come first served basis. Please indicate your top three choices on your registration form.

Next Steps
The Race Coordinator will follow up with a team package. Packages will include a team t-shirt order form so that we can ensure the correct sizes are ordered, pledge forms and guidance materials, participant waivers, and additional instructions.
For questions, contact coordinators Grace Bowen-MacLean and Emma Walker <>, 902-526-2426