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Powering Innovation Confabulation


Past Project 

Event Information

The Clean Annapolis River Project is hosting the Powering Innovation Confabulation between 10 am - 4 pm on Saturday, November 2nd, 2019. The event will take place at The Academy in Annapolis Royal.














Event background and objectives

The Powering Innovation Confabulation will be a free public event that is meant to bring community members together to learn how they can adopt renewable energy technology, energy efficiency and energy conservation practices into their lives in order to help make collective action toward GHG reduction and climate change mitigation/adaptation initiatives. 


Our target audience includes local residents from across western Nova Scotia, small business owners, educators and community leaders. 


We will make use out of the:

  • New Innovation Lab

  • Community room

  • Recreational Center

  • Open space around Lola's and the Valley Regional Library


We are seeking people or teams that are interested in becoming part of this event. **At this time we are seeking only DISPLAYS for the event**


We hope to have:

  • Keynote speakers

  • Workshops

  • Presentations

  • Vendor and program displays

  • Youth activities and programming


This pre-registration form will help us understand how you or your team can fit into this event. Any questions can be directed to our Project Leader.

Innovation Lab


Community Room



Open Space

Floor Layout

Main Space

** Numbers in the corners indicate number of outlets

Main Space.jpg
Recreation Center.jpg

This event is being undertaken in partnership with the Town of Annapolis Royal

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Clean Annapolis River Project 
Contact us
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  • Youtube


314 St George St

Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia





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