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Town of Middleton
Shaffner Dr. Wetland Restoration

We've partnered with the Town of Middleton & East Coast Aquatics to restore a formerly degraded wetland site and develop a new public walking trail

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Copy of Detailed restoration design will be completed in 2021, with some initial site prep

This project is being undertaken in partnership with the Town of Middleton on Town-owned land located off Shaffner Dr., north of Main Street in the Town of Middleton. 


The project site, which historically supported a complex of wetlands, was at one time considered as a potential location for the development of a new fire hall. Due to both the ecological and economic downsides of developing in a wetland, this Town partnered with CARP to seek opportunities to restore this area.

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Trail development

This project has also presented an exciting opportunity to help connect the human community to the wetland. A perimeter walking trail is being developed in addition to the restoration work being conducted at the site. There will be public parking off of Brooklyn Rd. to facilitate access to the site, as well as access off of the South Shore Annapolis Valley Trail. The trail is being designed to be wheelchair accessible. A series of educational interpretive panels will be installed at the site, to help educate the public about the importance of wetlands. 


Once the trail has been completed, CARP looks forward to working in partnership with the Town of Middleton to facilitate educational and recreational programs at the site. 


Final trail work has commenced for the 2023 field season. Members of the public are welcome to use the site for non-motorized recreation, but should be aware that you may encounter sections where there is active work underway. 


Restoration plan

East Coast Aquatics is a key partner in this project, overseeing wetland restoration design, implementation, and monitoring. All existing wetland areas on the properties were delineated prior to the development of a restoration plan. The restoration approach used will ensure that all existing wetlands on the site are retained.


Restoration activities involve restoring and then linking three disturbed wetland areas that total an estimated 1.85 ha to
establish an expanded wetland complex of approximately 3.0 ha. It is anticipated that the restored complex will include three open water areas, a marsh area; and a treed swamp area.


Restoration activities commenced in fall of 2021, with the majority of work anticipated to take place throughout the 2022 field season. 

Ecosystem goods & services

Wetlands are important ecosystems for a number of reasons, including the ecological services they provide such as improving water quality, controlling floods, recharging groundwater, and providing habitat for wildlife.


As part of this project, we are seeking community groups and organizations who are interested in partnering to develop and deliver educational programs and activities that help teach the public about wetland values and develop public appreciation for wetlands. 










March 2023 site photos
Site map
Pre-restoration site photos
Restoration phase photos
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Clean Annapolis River Project 
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314 St George St

Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia





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