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Past Project

The Atlantic Canada Estuary Health Assessment

The Atlantic Canada Estuary Health Assessment project is an ecosystem-based action plan to increase knowledge and enhance integrated ecosystem planning in select estuarine environments across the four Atlantic Provinces.


This project was a collaborative effort between environmental groups from the Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia South Shore, Gulf of St. Lawrence, & western Newfoundland, working together to address estuary health in Atlantic Canada. Clean Annapolis River Project has completed an environmental health assessment of the Annapolis Basin through the analysis of water samples from 20 randomly selected sites within the estuary.

Data from the 3 years of sampling was analyzed to assess nutrient levels and fecal contaminants. Based on these results, priority areas for follow-up monitoring identified; in the Annapolis estuary this includes Bear River and the Bridgetown areas


2017 marked the final year of the Estuary Monitoring project. CARP and ECW are working to identify funds for continued work and grants have been applied for to conduct monitoring in priority areas to identify pollution sources, and to establish a demonstration site for reduction of nutrient contamination from an agricultural operation using a tile drain control.

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Clean Annapolis River Project 
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314 St George St

Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia





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