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Annapolis River Guardians

The Annapolis River Guardians began monitoring the Annapolis River and its tributaries in September 1992, in the first water quality monitoring program of its kind in Eastern Canada. The data collected by the River Guardians provides an overview of the river's health and identifies key environmental problems within the Annapolis River and its tributaries. 

There are four main objectives of the program:

  1. To establish and support a regular observation system which will provide an early warning of environmental problems;

  2. To provide a long-term record of the river's health;

  3. To develop interest in the Annapolis River and community stewardship to ensure a viable resource for future generations; and

  4. To provide a knowledgeable group of local individuals who can promote the preservation, rehabilitation, and use of these estuarine and freshwater resources in the future.

Monitoring Results

Latest results

Interpreting Results

The thresholds used to assess the River Guardians monitoring results are based on the Canadian Water Quality Guidelines. 

For more information on water quality guidelines view the Canadian Water Quality Guidelines, produced by the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment:

E. coli Bacteria
E. coli bacteria live in the digestive tract of warm-blooded animals. They occupy the same ecological niche as many human pathogens and are used to indicate the potential presence of harmful organisms (e.g. Cryptosporidium, which can cause diarrhea). E. coli bacteria have been identified as a major cause of concern in the Annapolis River watershed. The potential sources of contamination in the watershed include poorly maintained on-site (domestic) septic systems,   malfunctioning central sewage treatment plants, aquatic wildlife, domestic animals, and livestock.  

Dissolved Oxygen
Dissolved oxygen is a widely used and important general indicator of the health of aquatic systems. Aquatic organisms, such as fish, require oxygen dissolved in the water to survive. Levels below 6.5 mg/L can cause stress to cold-water fish. Sewage, manure, or algal blooms resulting from elevated nutrient levels can result in low DO levels.


Water Temperature

Water temperature also serves as a broad indicator of water quality. The temperature of water has a direct bearing on the health and abundance of aquatic species. Trout and salmon experience stress at temperatures in excess of 20ºC and death occurs after prolonged exposure to temperatures over 24ºC.


Turbidity measures the amount of suspended sediment in a water sample. It varies depending on soil type, amount of shoreline erosion and surrounding land use, among other things. Baseline levels are specific to each watercourse and need to be established in order to determine the significance of peak levels. Generally, turbidity values below 10 NTU are acceptable. Water that is too turbid can block light from reaching aquatic plants and interfere with feeding mechanisms of zooplankton. Turbidity is highly variable and can spike during periods of heavy rainfall or snowmelt.

pH is a measure of the acidic/basic nature of water. It is expressed on a scale from 0 to 14, with 0 being the most acidic, 7 being neutral, and 14 being the most basic. To ensure the health of freshwater aquatic life, pH levels should not vary beyond a range of 6.5 to 9.0. Levels below 5.0 are known to negatively affect many species of fish, such as salmon and trout. pH varies naturally, but it can also be influenced by human factors, such as acid rain inputs.

Report cards
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